Watson, Rob Chris Kelsall Sep 16, 2011


Christopher Kelsall: What precipitated the change to the marathon from years competing at the top-level as a steepler?


Rob Watson: The steeplechase will always be my first love, but after a fairly disappointing and frustrating track season in 2010, I was burnt out on the steeple and needed a change. This fall I helped pace Reider (Reid Coolsaet) at the Toronto Marathon and had a blast. I have always enjoyed road racing more than the track and I figured a marathon would be fun.

CK: Did you pace him through 20 miles? [change to 32 kms for CRM]

RW: The goal was 25km, but I fell short. I helped him through the half in 65:04, then got really tired really quickly and got dropped. I wish I could have helped longer, but Reid was fine on his own, he ran an awesome race. It was inspiring also, after being there to see him and Gillis rock so hard, it really made the marathon more appealing.

CK: Did you get to the finish in time to witness their excellent personal bests?

Brown, Megan Chris Kelsall Sep 16, 2011


© Copyright - 2010 - Christopher Kelsall

Christopher Kelsall: Megan, your email address has ‘2012’ in it, which can only mean one thing: Olympic aspirations. What event are you looking to focus on for London qualification?

Megan Brown: If you had of asked me this question in 2008, it would have definitely been the 5000m. However, I have missed the last three track seasons due to various health reasons, so that has left me with a lot of catch up to do in regards to my development on the track.

The Olympics are definitely not out of reach for me at this point, but my coach, Hugh, and I felt that the best plan for my first year as a post-collegiate athlete, was to focus on consistent training and racing at a variety of distances, both on the road and the track. I definitely feel that one of my strengths is my range, so we are trying to explore that a little bit more.

We chose the Canadian Half Marathon Champs as the first goal race so that I could experiment with the longer distances. After that, I will race a fast 10km in Ottawa before changing focus to the track for the summer. Hopefully by the time August rolls around we will have a better idea of where to head for 2012.

Healthy Intelligent Training - by Keith Livingstone Chris Kelsall Sep 13, 2011


© - Copyright – 2009 – Athletics Illustrated


The Arthur Lydiard Phenomenon - A method of any other way could only be of a lesser standard.

Certainly no other endurance pioneer, no matter how successful, could possibly have experimented with or applied as steadfastly in their toil as Lydiard did. Not Percy Cerutty, not Emil Zatopek, nor even Bill Bowerman set research and application parameters as high as Lydiard did.

Keith Livingstone recently gave the legend full-on credit by writing the book, Healthy Intelligent Training, The Proven Principles of Arthur Lydiard. When famed Oregon coach, Bill Bowerman received a special medal from President Kennedy in honor of his contributions for spreading the concept of jogging in America, helping to fuel the initial running boom, Bowerman commented: "I am but the disciple. Arthur Lydiard of New Zealand is the prophet."

Livingstone sources and includes successfull coaches like Nic BideauBarry Magee and Greg McMillan in this reiteration of the famed method throughout the pages. He wrote the book for serious middle distance runners and coaches so they can gain a greater understanding, in the parlance of today, Lydiard’s method. The system most importantly and to the author’s credit remains in-tact.

Marathon - by Hal Higdon Chris Kelsall Sep 12, 2011


© Copyright - 2010 - Athletics Illustrated

Perhaps you have read John L. Parker Junior’s contribution to running culture, the quasi-fictional parable, Once a Runner – if you are a runner, inevitably you will read it. As far as running novels go, Parker set the benchmark with this story, so-much-so that the very long-awaited sequel, Again to Carthage, as good as it is, will forever exist in the shadow of the former Parker touchstone. Think in terms of Paul McCartney’s post-Beatle career, much longer and arguably more successful artistically-speaking than his career as one of the fab four, but the giant shadow looms and will forever cast its influence. Once a Runner is as significant to running culture as Sgt. Pepper is to popular music culture.

I just finished readingHal Higdon’s novel, Marathon, not to be confused with his top selling how to book of the same name. Hal has published some 35 books on running; Marathon is his first attempt at a novel. I asked him if the story has been rattling around in his mind for long: “Maybe not this particular story, but I had wanted to write a novel on running for maybe a quarter century, and have several false starts to prove it. The storyline for Marathon probably dates back 5-6 years. I had another false start there too”.

On the Wings of Mercury - by Lorraine Moller Chris Kelsall Sep 12, 2011


primary language
original title: On the Wings of Mercury

(C) Copyright - 2010 - Christopher Kelsall

On the Wings of Mercury - a self–penned autobiography by Lorraine Moller, a world-class middle and long distance runner - is one of the most riveting and highly emotional tell-all memoirs - a must read.

Moller begins her witty stream of consciousness in self-deprecating style, where she describes her birth and how even then she forced people to run beyond their scope, in this case the family physician, who had to run just to make the delivery in time. Moller captures the reader’s attention immediately and never lets go.

Uncommon Heart by Anne Audain Chris Kelsall Sep 12, 2011


© Copyright – 2009 – Christopher Kelsall

Paperback, 278 pages
Published April 28th 2000 by Cedarwinds (first published April 2000)
0915297280 (ISBN13: 9780915297283)

Anne Audain’s book, Uncommon Heart, co-written with John L. Parker Jr. (Once a Runner) is an ardent, tell-all, roller-coaster ride that weaves its way through her life story powered by unrelenting emotional steam.

The photo on the cover depicts the champion athlete, exuberant. There is no question that the exaltation she exudes is as much about the tumultuous years that led up to this record and requisite emotional redemption as it is about the record itself.

Audain was an orphan. Although adopted as an infant, her family supported her well throughout her life and career, as they had supported their biological daughter a few years later. She was fortunate to have the kind of parents she did. As an example of the type of man her father was, he would tell her, “you’re a very special girl, you know, most parents don’t get to pick their babies, but we did.” She grew up with this encouragement - and this may in-part be why she prospered despite experiencing uncommon life hurdles.

She had deformities in both feet and had corrective surgery at 13. Somehow she managed to become a world-class athlete who enjoyed a long career in athletics; taking to road running the most and leaving in her wake an incredible win record.

Solinsky, Chris Chris Kelsall Sep 10, 2011


© Copyright – 2010 – Athletics Illustrated

Chris Solinsky, a University of Wisconsin Badger alumnus and current Nike Oregon Track Club athlete (also with Kimbia Athletics) pulled off one of the most stunning track races in US history, being the first American to run under 27 minutes for 10, 000m. He accomplished the record at the 2010 Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational at Stanford University. He also went sub-13 for 5000m with his 12:56.66 at the 2010 Bislett Games in Oslo, Norway.

Although he is from Wisconsin and will always be a Badger, he trains under Jerry Schumacher in Oregon with several top-level athletes, which include fellow national 10, 000m record holder (Canadian record) Simon Bairu, Matt Tegenkamp – no slouch himself and even Galen Rupp who is with Nike Oregon however, he is training under Alberto Salazar. Rupp also went under the previous American 10, 000m record, owned by Meb Keflezighi, which was 27:13.98.

Chris took time out of his hectic schedule to chat with me about his training and recent racing successes. Like the runner he his, it was difficult to keep up with him, hence this interview took place over a span of a several weeks.

Burfoot, Amby Chris Kelsall Sep 10, 2011


© Copyright – 2009 – Christopher Kelsall

In 1968 at the age of 21 Amby Burfoot won the historic B.A.A Boston Marathon. John J. Kelley, who at that time was the most recent American to win Boston 11 years prior, happened to be his coach at 


Robert E. Fitch High School in Groton, Connecticut. Therefore Amby’s win at Boston held personal significance on several levels.

December of that same year Amby ran the prestigious Fukuoka Marathon in Fukuoka, Japan and finished 1 second off the American marathon record with his 2:14:29. Amby said,  “Fifth in 2:14:29, one second off Buddy Edelen's American marathon record and, at the time, the fastest-ever fifth-place performance in a marathon... if your readers are geeky enough...”.

The apparent, self-effacing Burfoot is currently the Editor at Large with Runner's World Magazine, North America's and possibly the World's most read running publicaton. He also maintains, in his own words, “two irregular blogs”, footloose and peakperformance.

Amby has been with Runner's World since 1978, holding a variety of positions including East Coast Editor, Executive Editor and now, Editor at Large. During this time he has authored several books including, Runner's World Complete Book of Running, The Principles of Running: Practical Lessons from My First 100,000 Miles, The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life: What 35 Years of Running Has Taught Me About Winning, Losing, Happiness, Humility, and the Human Heart and Runner's World Complete Book of Beginning Running.

The lifetime runner and advocate of healthy living, maintains a rather prolific calendar when considering his blogs, articles, books and his efforts to maintain good physical condition, which you can read about here, in our interview.

Cummins, Diane Chris Kelsall Sep 10, 2011


© Copyright - 2008 - Athletics Illustrated

I first met Diane Cummins at the track, what are the odds? My son (then 9) and I were enjoying the Victoria International Track Classic at the University of Victoria, Centennial stadium, May 25th 2001.

It was a cool, breezy evening and Diane had just handily run away from her competition in an 800m race, easing to a 2:04.

One of the best parts of Vic International is heading onto the track and meeting world class athletes immediately after the competition ends. When we got down onto the track, we caught up with Diane first. We found her to be, accommodating, engaging; effervescent. My son got her autograph, which he still has, on the two page program - within moments she was surrounded.

I ran into Diane and asked her if she would be interested in speaking at my half-marathon clinic I had going on every week. I had been leading 60 or so newer runners, who were ready to take on the half-marathon distance after tackling the a local 10k road race with nearly 10, 000 participants.

Diane brought everyone to points of laughter and tears; a roller coaster of emotions in a matter of minutes. Magic happened and everyone felt lighter on their feet that evening. Once we headed out for the run, the participants were talking all about Diane and the run disappeared on them, they forgot they were working it!

Diane, at the top of running in Canada is getting ready for the Beijing Olympics; contesting the 800m and looking beyond however, I know she is focused on the big show. Here follows our interview.

Yasso, Bart Chris Kelsall Sep 10, 2011



(C) Copyright - 2009 - Athletics Illustrated

I read the book “My Life on the Run” by Bart Yasso, the Mayor of Running, for clues to its relevance to his public image as defacto race ambassador at Runner’s World Magazine. I am happy I did, because, in many ways, the memoirs are a constant reminder echoing his life’s transition from misdirected youth to sub-elite runner and adventurer, to the present in how far he has come as a person. According to Bart, life’s journey is about how far we have come, not in how fast we run through it.

For those who haven’t read My Life on the Run here is a truncated synopsis:

Bart begins with his childhood set in the small town of Fountain Hill, Pennsylvania, just outside of Bethlehem. In the Yasso’s small family home his existence was crowded by a set of six other siblings who over-shadowed any accomplishments Bart may have managed if he wasn’t too misdirected and under-appreciated by his sport-loving father. A possible manifestation of the emotional chasm between them is demonstrated in one backyard photo where the senior Yasso and Bart stand apart from each other. The distance between them was perhaps too great a gap even when Bart began to accomplish in running, what he clearly lacked as a stick and ball athlete during his teens.

Wykes, Dylan Chris Kelsall Sep 10, 2011


© Copyright – 2010 - Athletics Illustrated

2010 California International Marathon Champion Dylan Wykes, from Kingston, Ontario has his eyes set on competing for Canada during the 2012 London, Olympic Games.

Wykes has yet to qualify to run in the Olympic Games marathon with his CIM win and 2:12:39 personal, as he is currently 1 minute and a couple of steps from guaranteeing his position on the Canadian team. He must have one of the top-3 times in Canada during the qualifying period and must prove fitness by acheiving a 10,000m time as set by Athletics Canada. Currently 2:12:39 is 3rd behind Eric Gillis (2:12:08) and Reid Coolsaet (2:11:23). The A+ standard is 2:11:29.

Wykes competed for the NCAA Division 1 Providence College Friars acheiving top-15 nationally in both the 1 mile and 3k indoors during 2004. He qualified for NCAA indoor championships, where he finished 12th in the 3000m. Wykes was coached by Ray Treacy, native of Ireland, long-time coach of the Men’s and Women’s Cross Country and Track Programs at Providence College.

Currently he lives and trains in Vancouver, BC. Until this summer, Wykes was a member of Physi-Kult Running and was coached by Steve Boyd from 2005-2010.

Personal Bests

1500m – 3:46.1
1mile (indoors) – 4:01.15
3000m (outdoors) – 8:00.61
3000m(indoors) – 7:58.7
5000m(outdoors) -13:57.8
10000m – 28:58.45
10k (road) – 29:12
Half-marathon – 1:03:53
Marathon – 2:12:39

Martinson, Geoff Chris Kelsall Sep 10, 2011


© - Copyright – 2009 – Christopher Kelsall

I WAS DOWN ON THE TRACK watching the Victoria Track Classic, wondering what's up with a particular athlete these days. I noticed Geoff Martinson holding court shortly after his 1500m win. He was with friends who were leaning over the white railing that separates the spectators from the stadium track; they were laughing, he was entertaining the troops shortly after his 1500m Invitational win.

Geoff is one of the good guys of sport. He may soon qualify to run internationally for Canada, until then, he can entertain us with his comedic talents.

It was an almost warm spring evening, trackiside at the University of Victoria, where Geoff with tongue firmly in cheek made mockery of the event clock's performance during his race. It was ‘off’ by a few seconds and made for good post-race fodder.

As a guy with an eye often on local athletics results, I have noticed Geoff Martinson’s name, time and again, after all he is a 7-time Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) all-Canadian and University of Victoria Athlete-of-the-year for 2009; his final year at the University.

He owns several other varsity athletic accomplishments possibly best capped by his 2008 and 2009 CIS 1500m Gold medals and 4 x 800m team Gold.

Geoff’s preoccupation right now is in making the Canadian Olympic team. If he can survive running with bears when home in Prince George and find his ideal distance, be it the 1500m or the 5000m he may just do that. Currently though, he is racing in Europe for the summer.

I had a chance to talk to Geoff at the UVic recently. Also the day before the Victoria Track Classic and the night of  his race, followed up with a generous helping of emails.

Smith, Lucy Chris Kelsall Sep 10, 2011


© Copyright - 2011 - Christopher Kelsall There was a stretch of time (for a couple of years) where on occasion, while running around some local lakes, a runner would approach at an alarming speed. I could instantly deduce who she was even as a mere spot in the distance. Her form was so flawless that there was only one person it could be. The process of elimination was instant. This is saying something as the trails of greater Victoria are many and the runners of all levels are everywhere. As the space between us would dwindle, a quick nod is all that would transpire as she moved so deftly. Breezing by, stirring the congregating midge, which swirl innocuously in a mid-air swarm. The runner, Lucy Smith, so far has enjoyed a very long and versatile career in endurance sport. She has raced at a high level on the track, roads, trail, cross-country and multi-sport. To date, the lady with the efficacious gait is a 19-time Canadian Champion in distance running and various multi-sport events. Twice she was awarded the Athlete of the Year, once as a Rookie and once as a Senior from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Personal bests:

5km: 15:40

10km: 32:46

21.1km: 1:13:35

Marathon: 2:38:40

Arsenault, Marilyn Chris Kelsall Sep 10, 2011



Marilyn Arsenault (Mar) is a transplanted easterner by way of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec (collective gasp) who now lives in and loves the west coast, specifically Victoria, BC on Vancouver Island.

Mar is a Soprano who studied at McGill University and le Universitie de Montreal in Montreal, Quebec and is now looking forward to completing her Masters degree at the University of Victoria. For now though she is full-time in the political science department at UVic, undertaking serious running training, and committed to vocal studies with renowned teacher, Selena James.

Twice recently, I have been blessed to steel away a few minutes of her time. When asking mutual friends for background dirt or quirks on Mar, I did find out from one unnamed source that she is prone to refer to herself in the first person, as a 'cow'. Cow is pretty rich for someone who may weigh-in at 100 pounds. Perhaps it is her penchant for mawing through hamburgers that she references cow. I also found out from yet another anonymous source that although she likes to train on the hundreds of miles of trails that intersect Greater Victoria, she doesn't however, like to run them when they are too wet and sloppy, according to the source she says, "it gets my Twinkies wet."

I thought women were hysterically sensitive about their wagon wheels, never their Twinkies. Regardless, here follows my interview with Marilyn Arsenault.

Sullivan, Kevin Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011


© Copyright – 2009 – Athletics Illustrated

© Copyright – 2009 – Christopher Kelsall

Three time Olympian, Kevin (Sully) Sullivan has run 32, sub-4 minute miles. He currently holds the NCAA indoor championship record of 3:55’33. During his varsity career at the University of Michigan he accomplished 14 All-American honours and currently holds the Canadian records for the mile and 1500m distances.

Sully was very close to medalling in the Sydney Olympic Games, finishing 5th in the 1500m final. He has competed in at least 10 IAAF World Cross-Country Championships, Commonwealth Games and many other international competitions.

At age 35 Kevin, as you will read below, continues to be committed to his athletics career. Meanwhile he is a volunteer coach at Florida State University where his wife Karen Harvey is the women’s Athletics head coach. She too enjoys a winning record. She had a distinguished athletics career including once owning the Canadian 3000m Steeple Chase record of 10:14’27 and a world number 1 ranking in 1998. Karen’s alma mater is also the University of Michigan.

Kevin’s Personal bests:

800m    1:47.06

1500m   3:31.71

Mile        3:50.26

3000m   7:41.61

5000m  13:19.27

Kevin grew up in Brantford, Ontario, a small hockey town, that produces a high level of quality athletes form a variety of sports.

Scott-Thomas, Dave Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011


© Copyright - 2008 - Athletics Illustrated

Although Dave Scott-Thomas is not an official Canadian Olympic team athletics coach, rather a varsity coach with the University of Guelph Gryphons, he is in Beijing anyway for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Scott-Thomas is there to view the track action and discuss pre-race strategy with rising stars, Eric Gillis and Taylor Milne, who have already competed in the 10,000m and 1500m respectively - by the time of this interview submission.

Oddly, getting a hold of Scott-Thomas is easier while he is in Beijing than when he is at home in Guelph, Ontario. Perhaps he has more free time in Beijing with family and work getting all his attention in Guelph. He is after all a dedicated coach and Dad.

Dave says, “I know it's a drag to have to wait for people, so I'm trying to get back to you ASAP - but am also running on about 3hrs sleep in the past 38 and in a pretty crowded, noisy bar – I think it’s 8am!

Anyway, fire back at will”

3 hours of sleep? This is the same committed coach who worked through the night on behalf of Eric Gillis’s appeal, when Gillis was told unceremoniously that he wasn’t going to Beijing. He was told this even though the criteria preventing him read sketchy and gray at best and left the decision makers open to the appeal.

Obviously the appeal worked. This is the stuff of champions, in this case a champion coach, who has been recognized with enough Coach of the Year awards to sink a tornado class sail boat competing in Fushan Bay, Qingdao, China.

Allen, Lindsay Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011


© - Copyright - 2009 - Christopher Kelsall


Athletes who train by the Arthur Lydiard method most often perform well over a vast range of distances and enjoy long, prosperous running careers. The method has proven effective when applied properly, so much so that now Lydiard athletes come to expect the promise of versatility and longevity.

Twenty-two year old Lindsay Allen is in the early days of her post-collegiate career. She joined the elite world when she ran the 10th fastest steeple time in US history during her first full Lydiard cycle. She did this under the tutelage of Greg McMillan who operates McMillanElite in Flagstaff, Arizona. Observing the official Flotrack video of her racing a 5000m event at Stanford University, attaining a new personal best of 15:48, you’ll see why she ran that steeple in 9:40’83 - she has a good aerobic base evident by her fine form at that new performance level.


Middleton, Andrew Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011


© Copyright– 2010 - Athletics Illustrated

Andrew Middleton who trains with McMillanElite of Flagstaff, Arizona, is a 2007 graduate from the University of Texas, where he attained a BA in Government. He accomplished all-American status in 2004 and helped the Longhorns place 12th & 7th in the NCAA Div 1 National Cross Country Championships.

Middleton has had a strong return to racing. He ended 2009 with a win and personal best at the Tucson Half marathon in 64:48.

Personal Records

5000m - 14:10.28

10000m - 28:54.87

15k - 47:04

Half-marathon - 1:04:48

Andrew now has his sights set on the March 21, 2010 Honda LA Marathon, with its newly re-designed, point-to-point stadium-to-sea route, which happens to be billed by race organizers as flat and fast.

The LA Marathon has undergone a complete face-lift, with new, stable ownership in LA Dodgers owner Frank McCourt, quality management and the new route.

Torrence, Ian Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011


© Copyright - 2010 - Athletics Illustrated


Greg McMillan, owner of McMillanRunning, has hired veteran ultra-runner Ian Torrence to head its new ultramarathon coaching division. The creation of the new ultramarathon division expands the offerings of McMillanRunning to include any distance beyond the marathon (most typically 50 kilometers, 50 miles, 100 kilometers, and 100 miles).

Torrence has more than 15 years of ultra experience under his belt. Since his ultra debut in 1994, he has to date, finished 150 ultras, 22 of which were 100-mile races. In all, Torrence has won 49 ultramarathons. Some of his wins include the Massanutten Mountain Trail 100 Mile Run (twice) and the Superior Trail 100 Mile Run. He’s a two-time, top-ten finisher at the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run.


Finlayson, Jim Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011


© Copyright – Athletics Illustrated - 2010

Jim Finlayson is a former Canadian Marathon champion, three-time competitor in the IAAF World Cross Country Championships and winner of the Royal Victoria Marathon. He competed for NCAA Division 1 University of Michigan before running for the University of Victoria and eventually owning the streets of Victoria, BC. He also owns the Kingston Beer Mile World Record, with his official performance - an astounding 5:09.

Finlayson (aka, 'The Flying Finn' or 'Finn') is a highly consistent runner despite a life hurdle - he suffers from Multiple Sclerosis - and is mostly a self-coached athlete; that is until recently.

Jim took the time to chat about his gradual transition to coach, while he continues to compete, balance family, work, beer-miling
and although it's a few years away, plans his potential assault on the local masters age-group.

Flanagan, Shalane Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011


© Copyright – 2010 – Christopher Kelsall

Three-time American record holder, Shalane Flanagan, from Marblehead, Massachusetts grew up in an athletic family. Both of her parents were excellent distance runners. Her father Steve Flanagan owns a marathon personal best of 2:18, while her mother Cheryl Treworgy (Bridges) set an American marathon record and competed on the U.S. World Cross Country teams during the 1960s and 1970s.

Shalane's own running career began to take off in college at the University of North Carolina. There, in 2002, she won the first NCAA Cross Country title in the school’s history. She also won it in 2003. In 2004 and 2005, she was the U.S. Cross Country champion at 4K.

Flanagan  currently holds the American record times in the 3000m (indoor), 5000m (indoor), and 10,000m. She won the bronze medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics in the 10,000m finishing in 30:22:22 and second place in her marathon debut during the 2010 ING New York City Marathon with her 2:28:40. She is a two-time national champion in the women's 5000 meters.

Her personal bests are:

1500m - 4:05.86

3000m – 8:33.25 (indoor) AR

5000m - 14:44.80

5000m - 14:47.62 (indoors) AR

10000m – 30:22:22 AR

10000m - 32:25 (road)

Half-marathon – 68:37

Marathon – 2:28:40

Bideau, Nic Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011


© Copyright - Athletics Illustrated - 2010

Nic Bideau is the Director of the Melbourne International Track Club located in Melbourne, Australia. He coaches many athletes and is best known for managing Cathy Freeman, who won 400m Olympic Gold during the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games as well as working with Craig Mottram to 5000m Silver during the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games and to Bronze during the 2005 Helsinki World Track and Field Championships 5000m.

Bideau is married to one of Ireland’s greatest ever athletes Sonia O’Sullivan, who competed mainly in middle distance track and the 5000m event to great success. She also raced well in cross-country however, she ran fast times over a great range of distances from 800m to the marathon.

Bideau currently splits his time between England and Australia coaching and working with athletes in various capacities from both countries.

He is educated in journalism and physical education from Victoria College.

As an athlete he competed well in the middle distances at school and has recorded a 69-minute half-marathon. When he decided that he was not quite talented enough to be an international level runner, he turned his attention towards coaching

Swanson, Kris Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011


© Copyright - 2010 - Christopher Kelsall

Kris Swanson recently achieved an impressive personal best at the 2010 IAAF World Mountain Running Championships, which took place in Kanmik, Slovenia by moving up 34 spots from his previous best of 64th position that he achieved during the 2009 event.

Swanson, ran for the University of Victoria Vikes while mostly studying Kinesiology.

Since graduating in 2008, Swanny has continued to run well locally on the road and trails. He looks forward to a new personal best to happen this Sunday, October 10, 2010 at the Goodlife Fitness Victoria Half Marathon, which takes place in Victoria, BC.

He is coached by 3-time Olympian and current 10, 000m record holder (UK) Jon Brown.

Kris's Personal Best times are:


800m - 1:55

1500m - 3:53

3000m - 8:29

5k – 15:23

8k – 24:30

10k – 30:39

½ Marathon -  69:11


Zelinka, Jessica Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011


© Christopher Kelsall – 2011 - Copyright

Jessica Zelinka of London, Ontario is Canada’s best Heptathlete. She holds the Canadian record with a performance where she amassed 6490 points during her 5th place finish at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

She earned a Gold Medal at the 2007 Pan American Games and Silver at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. She has won Gold at the Canadian Championships 5 times.

Zelinka will be competing in the IAAF World Track and Field Championships in Daegu, Korea

I had the opportunity to interview Jessica three times, once in June 2011 before the Victoria Track Classic, which is one of the meets in the brand new National Track League. Twice we interviewed in July 2011, one on video and another written interview. The following is a combination of the three.


Nobby Hashizume & Lorraine Moller - Master Run Coach (now Running Wizard). Chris Kelsall Sep 09, 2011












Bill Bowerman, Nobby Hashizume & Arthur Lydiard

© Copyright - Christopher Kelsall - 2011

UPDATED: March 3, 2012

Do you want to run or coach your very best?

The endurance coaching behemoth, Arthur Lydiard, or rather his training method and his vast legacy is now accessible to everyone. The famous method that has - and continues to - churn out stunning athletic performances across the globe using a platform based on developing a large aerobic foundation first, is now made available through a very easy-to-use and interactive virtual training partner previously named Master Run Coach (now Running Wizard).

Malindi Elmore - Interview Chris Kelsall Jun 05, 2010

© Copyright - 2010 - Athletics Illustrated

Stanford University alumna, Malindi Elmore, from Kelowna, British Columbia, grew up active and very involved in many sports. Early on her primary game was soccer however, she went on to win three provincial (BC) championships in the 1500m distance and was the top-ranked Canadian junior in the 800m and 1500m distances from 1996 through 1998. Meanwhile she became inspired to commit to running, at that time, from watching fellow British Columbian Leah Pells race in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.

Elmore, 2009 Canadian 10,000m Champion, recently won the Vancouver Sun Run 10k in her first attempt at the event. She ran a personal best 10k time of 33:06, despite a rather cavalier start.