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Canada Track & Field and Cross Country News

Megan Brown Is On The Top of Her Game Chris Kelsall Nov 07, 2012

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Twenty-seven year old Megan Brown of Guelph, Ontario will be competing in the Canadian Cross Country Championships. She will be looking to make the Canadian team that will compete at the North American, Central American and Caribbean Athletics Association (NACAC) Cross Country Championships in Jamaica as well as the IAAF World Cross Country Championships that happen March 24th in Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Simon Bairu - Has a Monkey on His Back Chris Kelsall Nov 06, 2012

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Nike Oregon Project athlete Simon Bairu of Regina, Saskatchewan has a monkey on his back. He has yet to complete a marathon in a satisfactory time. He has demonstrated great talent in setting the Canadian 10,000m record in the time of 27:23, won seven Canadian Cross Country Championship titles, finished 12th at the IAAF World Cross Country Championships, excelled as a Wisconsin Badger in the NCAA and has run the half-marathon distance as fast as 62:08. But marathon success has so far eluded him.

Chris Winter - Interview Chris Kelsall Nov 05, 2012



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Canadian steeplechaser Chris Winter, of Vancouver, BC is aiming to do well at the 2012 Canadian Cross Country Championships that take place in his home town, just blocks from where he lives. The championships happen Saturday, November, 24th at Jericho Beach. If he does well at Nationals, then he may be off to *NACACs and potentially the 40th annual (now semi-annual) IAAF World Cross Country Championships that take place in Bydgoszcz, Poland on Sunday, the 24th of March 2013. First things first, he needs to hurdle nationals. He will have good competition having to compete with 2012 London Olympians Cameron Levins, Mo Ahmed as well as Kelly Wiebe and potentially Simon Bairu (undecided at this time) who was set to run the New York City Marathon, until it was cancelled.

Scott-Thomas's Juniors from Guelph, set to dominate at nationals Chris Kelsall Nov 03, 2012

© Copyright - Athletics Illustrated - 2012

Dave Scott-Thomas who coaches the track and field and cross-country teams at the University of Guelph and is the Director and Head Coach at

Speed River Track Club, will be sending a few athletes to Athletics Canada's 2012 Canadian Cross Country Championships. The championships will take place Saturday, November 24th in Vancouver, BC at Jericho Beach. Scott-Thomas told Athletics Illustrated, "We’ll be sending junior teams. Of our elites, Chris Winter, who is currently training back home in Vancouver, will race. We have some very strong juniors from Speed River and the University of Guelph whom we expect to contend for places on the national team."

Q & A with Steve Magness - Science of Running Chris Kelsall Oct 31, 2012


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Steve Magness writes science-based running and training articles primarily for the website The Science of Running.

Magness recently accepted a coaching position with the University of Houston, his alma mater. Previously he was an assistant coach at Nike Oregon Project, leading up to the 2012 London Olympic Games.

Magness ran in the NCAA for Rice University and the University of Houston. Currently he coaches professional runners Jackie Areson, who has run as fast as 4:12 in the 1500m and owns a 5k personal best time of 15:14. He also coaches Sara Hall and Tommy Schmitz. Schmitz owns an 800m personal best time of 1:49 and a 1500m best of 3:39.

Hajo Seppelt - Kenyan doping exposed Chris Kelsall Oct 24, 2012


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Hans-Joachim “Hajo” Seppelt is a freelance journalist for ARD, a nationwide German TV and radio broadcasting network located in Berlin. He is, as his bio indicates, a film author who is involved in creating features and reporting for all of the German state broadcasting institutions. At this time, he is primarily reporting for the regional WDR network with the doping editorial team (WDR in Cologne).

Are National Athletics Federations Doing Enough to help WADA? Chris Kelsall Oct 20, 2012


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Are athletics federations doing enough to support WADA in suspending athletes who test positive for performance enhancing drugs?

Athletics Kenya’s Chairman Isaiah Kiplagat, gave a one week ultimatum to all foreign athletics coaches working in Kenya without work permits to leave. Kiplagat claims that the foreign coaches are responsible for the latest spate of drug use allegations, most notably from German journalist Hajo Seppelt, who acted as a sport agent, and reported that performance enhancing drug use in Kenya is rampant by both Kenyans and foreign athletes training in the country.

Andrew Maloney on Lance Armstrong and Ben Johnson Chris Kelsall Oct 19, 2012


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Ben Johnson - 30 for 30

If you have spent the last twenty-five years getting over the drama and disappointment of Ben Johnson’s world record gold medal win in the 100m at the 1988 Olympic Games and subsequent disqualification and positive test, I do not suggest watching the ESPN 30 for 30 special 9.79 which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival this summer and aired on TSN this week.

Carl Lewis, who has long come off as somewhat arrogant and phony (and not exactly the best singer) shows that time has not dulled his worst attributes. Much of what was contained in the documentary was not necessarily new – the positive test by Lewis at the 1988 US Olympic Trials for a banned stimulant has long been in the public domain.